Abbreviations in the Oil and Gas industry

Our world is submerged by abbreviations and the oil and gas industry is not spared! This post will help you to navigate through the oil and gas abbreviations.

There are already oil and gas abbreviations on Wikipedia in here.

However you will find below many abbreviations (some are very common in the oil and gas industry) that are not in this Wikipedia link. On the other side, I did not copy-paste Wikipedia.

I have mainly selected the abbreviations related to the Process discipline, but also some from other fields like Piping, Safety, Mechanical, Electrical, Pipeline, Project,…

I do not include the companies or organizations abbreviations (e.g. ISO), nor the unit’s abbreviations (e.g. rpm).

I intend to update this post regularly by adding other abbreviations but also to create links (e.g. a website related to a ROV company so that you can see how it looks).

Abbreviation List


A/GAbove Ground 
ACCUAir Cooled Condensing Unit 
ACSAccess Control System 
ADSAtmospheric Diving Suit 
AEAcoustic Emission 
AFCApproved For Construction 
AFDApproved For Design 
AFIApproved for Information 
AFPActive Fire Protection 
AHUAir Handling Unit 
AIAnalog Input 
AIMAsset Information Management 
AISAutomatic Identification System 
AIVAcoustics Induced Vibration 
ALARPAs Low As Reasonably Practicable 
AMSAlarm Management System 
AOAnalog Output 
ASLAbove Sea Level 
ASRAcceptable Sand Rate 
ATEXATmosphère EXplosiveIt’s in French; Explosive Atmosphere in English.
AVLApproved Vendor List 


BABreathing Air 
BABreathing Apparatus 
BDVBlowdown Valve 
BLEVEBoiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion 
BODBasis of Design 
BOLBottom of Line 
BOLCBottom-Of-Line Corrosion 
BOMBill of Material 
BRVBreather Valve 
BSBird Screen 
BSW or BS&WBase Solids and Water 
BVBeach Valve 
BVSBeach Valve Station 
BWButt Weld 


C&ECause and Effect (Diagram) 
CACorrosion Allowance 
CADComputer Aided Design 
CADDComputer Aided Design Drafting 
CAMControl and Auxiliary Module 
CAOComputer Aided Operation 
CAPEXCapital Expenditure 
CBCircuit Breaker 
CCCorrosion Coupon 
CCRCentral Control Room 
CCTVClosed Circuit Television 
CDClosed Drain 
CFCChloro-Fluoro Carbon 
CFDComputational Fluid Dynamics 
CGRCondensate Gas Ratio 
CHAZOPControl HAZards and OPerability study 
CITHPClosed In Tubing Head Pressure 
CLCentre Line 
CMSCorrosion Management System 
COGCenter of Gravity 
CPCathodic Protection 
CPCorrosion Probe 
CPCorrugated Plate 
CPPCentral Production Platform 
CRACorrosion Resistant Alloy 
CRACorrosion Risk Assessment 
CSCarbon Steel 
CSCCar Seal Close 
CSCCChloride Stress Corrosion Cracking 
CSOCar Seal Open 
CTRCost, Time and Resources 
CUICorrosion Under Insulation 
CVChoke Valve 


D&IDsDucting & Instrumentation Diagram Produced by HVAC engineers.
DBBDouble Block and Bleed
DBMDesign Basis Memorandum
DCSDistributed Control System
DHSVDown Hole Safety Valve
DIDigital Input
DIFFSDeck Integrated Fire Fighting System
DNNominal Diameter
DODigital Output
DOPDrop Object Protection
DPDesign Pressure
DPDifferential Pressure (Or Pressure Drop)
DRADesign Risk Assessment
DSDownstream Side
DVDeluge Valve


E&IElectrical and Instrumentation
EDEffective Date
EEBDEmergency Escape Breathing Device
EEREscape, Evacuation and Rescue
EERAEscape, Evaluation and Rescue Analysis
EIAEnvironmental Impact Assessment
ELElevation Level
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
ENVIDEnvironmental Hazard Identification
EOREnhanced Oil RecoverySame as IOR
EPCEngineering, Procurement and Construction
EPCIEngineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
EPRSEmergency Pipeline Repair Systems
ERAExplosion Risk Analysis
ERPEmergency Response Plan
ESDEmergency ShutDown
ESDVEmergency ShutDown Valve
ESPElectrical Submerged Pump 
ETAEvent Tree Analysis
EWLExtreme Water Level


F&GFire & Gas
FAFlame Arrestor
FAFlow Assurance
FAHFlow Alarm High
FAHHFlow Alarm High High
FALFlow Alarm Low
FALLFlow Alarm Low Low
FATFactory Acceptance Test
FBFull Bore
FBEFusion Bonded Epoxy
FCFail Close
FCVFlow Control Valve
FDSFunctional Design Specification
FEFlow Element
FEAFinite Element Analysis
FEEDFront End Engineering Design
FERAFire Explosion Risk Assessment
FFFlat Faced, Also Called Full Faced
FGSFire and Gas System
FHFire Hydrant
FIFlow Indication
FICFlow Indicating Controller
FIDFinal Investment Decision
FIVFlow Induced Vibration
FJField Joint
FLDFunctional Logic Diagrams
FLNGFloating Liquefied Natural GasFloating unit that produces LNG.
FMEAFailure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMEDAFailure Modes Effects and Diagnostic Analysis
FOFail Open
FPFull Port
FPSOFloating Production Storage and Offloading
FRFire Resistant or Fire Retardant
FRAFire Risk Analysis
FRAFormal Risk Assessment
FRCFibre Reinforced Concrete
FRPFiberglass-Reinforced Plastic
FRTFull Radiography Testing
FSFunctional Safety
FSAFunctional Safety Assessment
FSSFire Suppression System
FTAFault Tree Analysis
FVSTFull Valve Stroke Test
FWHPFlowing Wellhead Pressure


GAGeneral Arrangement
GFRPGlass Fibre Reinforced Polyester
GLRGas / Liquid Ratio 
GORGas-Oil Ratio
GREGlass Reinforced Epoxy
GRPGlass Reinforced Plastic
GRPGlass Reinforced Polyester
GTGas Turbine
GTGGas Turbine Generator
GUIGraphical User Interface
GWRGuided Wave Radar


H&MBHeat and Mass Balance
HATHighest Astronomical Tide
HAZANHAZard Analysis
HAZIDHazard Identification
HAZOPHazard and Operability Review
HDDHorizontal Directional Drilling
HDPEHigh Density Polyethylene
HFEHuman Factor Engineering
HHLLHigh High Liquid Level
HICHydrogen Induced Cracking
HILHigh Interface Level
HIPPSHigh Integrity Pressure Protection System
HLLHigh Liquid Level
HMBHeat and Material Balance
HMIHuman Machine Interface
HPHigh Pressure
HPUHydraulic Power Unit
HSEHealth, Safety and Environment
HSEQHealth, Safety, Environment and Quality
HUCHook-Up and Commissioning
HVHigh Voltage
HVACHeating Ventilation and Air Conditioning


I/OInput / Output
ICSSIntegrated Control and Safety System
IDInternal Diameter
IDCInterdisciplinary Check
IFAIssued for Approval
IFIIssued for Information
IFRIssued for Review
IGInert Gas
IOPPSInstrumented Overpressure Protection System
IORIncreased Oil RecoverySame as EOR
IPFInstrumented Protective Function
IPSInstrument Protective System
ITBInvitation to Bid
ITPInspection and Test Plan
ITTInvitation To Tender
IUTImmersion Ultrasonic Testing
IVDInlet Vane Diffusers


J-TJoule Thompson
JBJunction Box
JFJoint FactorLongitudinal seam joint factor defined by the applicable pipe code.


KOKnock Out
KODKnock Out Drum
KOMKick Off Meeting
KPKilometre Post
KPIKey Performance Indicator


L/RLocal/Remote Selector Switch
LAHLevel Alarm High
LAHHLevel Alarm High High
LALLevel Alarm Low
LALLLevel Alarm Low Low
LATLowest Astronomical Tide
LCPLocal Control Panel
LCSLocal Control Station
LCVLow Calorific Value
LELLower Explosive Limit
LERLocal Electrical Room
LFLLower Flammable Limit
LHHAHigh High-Level Alarm
LHVLower Heating Value
LICLevel Indicating Controller
LILLow Interface Level
LLLow Low Alarm Value
LLILong Lead Items
LLLLow Liquid Level
LNGLiquefied Natural Gas
LNGCLiquefied Natural Gas Carrier
LOALetter of Award
LOPALayer Of Protection Analysis
LPLow Pressure
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LQLiving Quarters
LTLevel Transmitter – Magnetic Type
LTCSLow-Temperature Carbon Steel
LVLow Voltage


MAOPMaximum Allowable Operating Pressure
MATLMean Astronomical Tide Level
MAWPMaximum Allowable Working Pressure
MAWTMinimum Allowable Wall Thickness
MBRMinimum Bend Radius 
MCMechanical Completion
MCBMain Control Building
MCCMechanical Completion Certificate
MCCMotor Control Center
MCRMain Control Room
MCUMotor Control Unit
MDMTMinimum Design Metal Temperature
MDRMaster Document Register
MDSMechanical Datasheet
MEGMonoethylene Glycol
MELMaster Equipment List
MENAMiddle East and North Africa
MHHWMean Higher High Water
MLLWMean Lower Low Water
MMSCFMillion Standard Cubic Feet
MMSCFDMillion Standard Cubic Feet Per Day
MMTBFMechanical Mean Time between Failure
MMUMotor Monitoring Unit
MOCManagement of Change
MOCMaterial of Construction
MOMMinutes of Meeting
MOPMaximum Operating Pressure
MOVMotor Operated Valve
MPFMMulti-Phase Flow Meter
MPSVMulti-Purpose Support Vessel
MPTFEModified Polytetrafluoroethylene
MRMaterial Requisition
MSDMaterial Selection Diagram
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet
MSLMean Sea Level
MSRMaterial Selection Report
MTBFMean Time Between Failures
MTCMaterial Test Certificate
MTOMaterial Take Off
MTPAMillion Metric Tons Per Annum
MTTFMean Time To Failure
MTTRMean Time To Repair
MUTManual Ultrasonic Testing
MWLMean Water Level
MWSMarine Warranty Surveyor


NCNormal Closed
NCRNon Conformance Report
NDENondestructive Examination
NDTNon-Destructive Testing
NILNormal Interface Level
NLLNormal Liquid Level
NNFNormally No Flow
NNMNormally Not Manned
NONormal Opened
NPSNominal Pipe Size
NPSHNet Position Suction Head
NPSHaNet Positive Suction Head Available
NPSHrNet Positive Suction Head Required
NRVNominated Rescue Vehicle
NRVNon-Return ValveSame as check valve.


O&MOperations and Maintenance [Manual]
OACOperational Acceptance Certificate
ODOutside Diameter
OELOccupational Exposure Limits
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OFJOffshore Field Joint
OGPOil and Gas Producers
OH&SOccupational Health and Safety
OHDOpen Hazardous Drain
OHSAOccupational Health and Safety Accreditation
OIMSOperations Integrity Management System
OIWOil In Water
OJSOffshore Joint Services
OMIOperation, Maintenance and Inspection
OPEXOperating Expenditure
OPPSOver Pressure Protection System
OSPLOnshore Storage, Pumping and Loading
OSVOffshore Support Vessel
OTSOperator Training Simulator


P.O.B.Personnel On Board
P&IDPiping and Instrumentation Diagram
P&IDProcess Instrument Drawing
PABPort Administration Building
PACPerformance Acceptance Certificate
PAHPressure Alarm High
PAHHPressure Alarm High High
PALPressure Alarm Low
PALLPressure Alarm Low Low
PARPreventive Action Report
PBPush Button
PCProcess Control
PCSProcess Control System
Piping Class Specification
PCVPressure Control Valve
PDBPower Distribution Board
PDGDifferential Pressure Gauge
PDIPressure Differential Indication
PDITPressure Differential Indicating Transmitter
PDSProcess Data Sheet
PDTPressure Differential Transmitter
PEFSProcess & Engineering Flow SchemeSHELL denomination for P&ID.
PEMProject Engineering Manager
PEPProject Execution Plan
PFDProbability of Failure on Demand
PFDProcess Flow Diagram
PFPPassive Fire Protection
PGPressure Gauge
PHAProcess Hazards Analysis
PIPressure Indicator
PICPressure Indicating Controller
PIDProportional, Integral and Derivative
PIMSProcess Information Management System
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
PMSPower Management System
PMTProject Management Team
POPurchase Order
POBPeople On Board
PoFProbability of Failure
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPMParts Per Million
PPMVParts Per Million Volume
PQPProject Quality Plan
PRPurchase Requisition
PROMProject Risk Opportunity Management
PRVPressure Relief Valve
PSAPressure Swing Adsorption
PSDParticle Size Distribution
PSDProcess Shutdown
PSFSProcess Safeguarding Flow Scheme
PSTPartial-Stroke Test
PSUPower Supply Unit
PSVPressure Safety Valve
PTPressure Transmitter
PTRProject Technical Review
PTWPermit To Work
PVLProject Vendor List
PVRVPressure Vacuum Relief Valve
PWHTPost Weld Heat Treatment
PWVProduction Wing Valve


QAQuality Assurance
QA/QCQuality Assurance / Quality Control
QACQuality Assurance Coordinator
QAPQuality Assurance Program
QCQuality Check
QCQuality Control
QCPQuality Control Plan
QHSESQuality, Health, Safety, Environment and Security
QMSQuality Management System
QOCQuick Opening Closure
QRAQuantitative Risk Assessment
QSQuality Surveillance
QTCQualification Test Coupon


RARisk Assessment
RAMReliability, Availability and Maintainability
RAMRisk Assessment Matrix
RBReduced Bore
RBDReliability Block Diagram
RCARoot Cause Analysis
RESDVRiser Emergency Shutdown Valve
RFRaised Face
RFCReady For Commissioning
RFCCReady For Commissioning Certificate
RFIRequest for Inspection
RFQRequest For Quotation
RFSCReady For Start-Up Certificate
RFSUReady For Start-Up
RHRelative Humidity
RORestriction Orifice
ROIReturn on Investment
ROQIReturn On Quality Investment
ROVRemote Operated Vehicle
RPReduced Port
RTRadiographic Testing
RTDResistance Temperature Detector
RTISReal Time Information System
RTURemote Terminal Unit


S&WSediments and Water
SAFESafety Analysis Function Evaluation
SAFOPSAFe OPerations analysis
SATSite Acceptance Test
SBBSingle Block and Bleed
SCCStress Corrosion Cracking
SCSSVSurface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve
SDCSingle Discipline Check
SDRSpecification Deviation Request
SDSSSuper Duplex Stainless Steels
SDVShutdown Safety Valve
SEWSafety Shower Eyewash
SGSight Glass
SGSpecific Gravity
SHSwitch High
SHESafety, Health and Environment
SHE&SSafety, Health and Environment and Security
SHEQSafety, Health, Environmental and Quality
SISpeed Indication
SIFSafety Instrumented Function
SILSafety Integrity Level
SIMOPSSimultaneous Operations
SISSafety Instrument System
SITHPShut In Tubing Head Pressure
SLDSingle Line Diagram
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SOR (Total)Il y a un SOR, mais ce n’est pas la même signification.
SOWScope Of Work
SPSet Point
SPFSingle Point of Failure
SPLSound Pressure Level
SPMSingle Point Mooring
SRASecurity Risk Assessment
SSStainless Steel
SSCSulphide Stress Corrosion
SSCCSulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking
SSHESafety, Security, Health and Environment
SSIVSubsea Isolation Valve
SSJBSubsea splitter Junction Box
SSWRSafety Shower
SSWVSubsea Wye Valve
STELShort Term Exposure Limit
SURFSubsea, Umbilicals, Risers and Flow lines
SUTUSubsea Umbilical Termination Unit
SWSocket Weld


T/TTangent to Tangent
TBATo Be Advised
TBCTo Be Confirmed
TBDTo Be Defined
TBETechnical Bid Evaluation
TDSTotal Dissolved Salts/Solid
TETemperature Element – Skin Type
TGTemperature Gauge
TGAToxic Gas Alarm
TITemperature Indication
TICTemperature Control
TITTemperature Indicating Transmitter
TOLTop of Line
TOLCTop of Line Corrosion
TORTerms of Reference
TOSTop Of Steel
TQTechnical Query
TRTemporary Refuge
TSAThermal Spray Aluminum
TSCThermal Spray Coating
TSOTight ShutOff
TSSTotal Suspended solids
TTTemperature Transmitter
TUTUTopside Umbilical Termination Unit


U/GUnder Ground
UCPUnit Control Panel
UELUpper Explosive Limit
UFDUtilities Flow Diagram
UFMUltrasonic Flow Meter
UMVUpper Master Valve
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
UTUltrasonic Testing
UTCDUltrasonic Crack Detection
UTWMUltrasonic Thickness Wall Measurement


VACVoltage Alternating Current
VBVacuum Breaker Valve
VESDAVery Early Smoke Detection Apparatus
VFDVariable Frequency Drive
VOCVolatile Organic Compound
VRVVacuum Relief Valve
VSDVariable Speed Drive
VTAVendor to Advise
VTCVendor to Confirm


WBSWork Breakdown Structure
WBTWet Bulb Temperature
WCWater Cut 
WCRWater to Condensate Ratio
WCRWeight Control Report
WDWater Depth
WGRWater to Gas Ratio
WHCPWellhead Control Panel
WHPWellhead Platform
WTWall Thickness




ZADiscrepancy Alarm
ZIHPosition Indication Intermediate
ZIOPosition Indication Open
ZSCLimit Switch Close
ZSHLimit Switch Intermediate
ZSOLimit Switch Open

What about you?

I’m sure you’ll suggest many other abbreviations. Please leave a comment and I will consider to add them. Don’t also hesitate to share some other websites having a good list of oil and gas abbreviations.


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